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Publications @ IGIPESS


The institute has three categories of publications : Magazine, Books and Journals

Prof.(Dr.) Dhananjoy Shaw
Title of the Book (s) Publisher Year
Sharirik Shiksha mein sankhyiki Sports Publication 2014
Lesson planning – Teaching Methods and Class Management in Physical Education Khel Shaitya Kendra 2009
Pedagogic Kinesiology Delhi Sports Publication 2008
Mechanical basis of Bio-Mechanics Delhi Sports Publication 2008
Sharirik Shiksha mein Yantriki Vigyaan Delhi Sports Publication 2008
Sharrik Shiksh Mein Path Niyojan and Sikshan Padhiti ke Siddhant Friends Publication 2008
Sharirik Shiksha mein sankhyiki Delhi Sports Publication 2008
Lesson planning – Teaching Methods and Class Management in Physical Education Delhi Sports Publication 2007
Sharirik Shiksha mein Yantriki Vigyan Delhi Sports Publication 2007
Fundamental Statistics in Physical Education and Sports Sciences Delhi Sports Publication 2006
Lesson planning, Teaching Methods and Class Management in Physical Education Delhi Sports Publication 2001
Encyclopedia of Test and measurement in Sports and Exercise Psychology Delhi : Khel Sahitya Kendra 2001
Mechanical Basis of Bio – mechanics Delhi Sports Publication 2000
Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine and Injuries Vol. – 3 Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra 2000
Encyclopedia of Sports Injuries and  Indian Sports Person Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra 2000
Encyclopedia of Physical education and Sports Sciences(Vol.- VI) Delhi Sports Publication 2000
Encyclopedia of Health Medicine and Injuries Vol. II Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra 2000
Doctoral Research in Physical Education in India Since Independence Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra 1999
Doctoral Research in Physical Education And its Sciences in Developed Countries Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra 2000
Sharirik Shiksha Mein Paath – Niyojan Va Shiksha Padhhatie Sidhhant Delhi: Friends Publication 2000
Research Methodology in Physical Education – Sports And Exercise Sciences Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra 2001
Dictionary of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences Delhi; Friends Publication 2000
Encyclopedia of Health and Physical Fitness Vol. I Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra 1999
Encyclopedia of Sports Sciences (Vol. 8) Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra 1998
Biomechanics And Kinesiology of Human Motion Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra 1998
Encyclopedia of Sports (Vol. - VI) Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra 1998
Fundamental statistics in Physical Education and Sports Sciences Delhi Sports Publication 1998
Pedagogic Kinesiology Delhi Sports Publication 1998
Physiology of Exercise (With Special Implications to Coaching/Training) Twenty first Century Publication 1991
Prof.(Dr.) Jai Prakash Sharma (Professor)
Title of the Book (s) Publisher Year
Maanav jeevan aur yog
Yog kala ek parichay
Kreeda, adhishiksha aur nirnayan
Prof.(Dr.) Sandhya Tiwari (Professor)
Title of the Book (s) Publisher Year
Exercise Physiology
Prof. (Dr.) Sarita Tyagi (Professor)
Title of the Book (s) Publisher Year
Role Of Physical Activities & Sports in Balancing Education
Late - Dr. Rakesh Gupta (Professor)
Title of the Book (s) Publisher Year
Sharirik shiksha mein anusandhan ki prakriya
Sharirik shiksha shikshan paddatiya
Research Process and studies in Physical Education & Sports Sciences
Lesson-Plan for Physical Education & Sports Sciences(General & Specific)
Encyclopedia Of World History in Physical Education & Sports
Sharirik shiksha ki shikshan prodyogiki
Khel Patrakarita
Sharirik shiksha mein vyavasayik tayiyari aur pathyakram nirman
Professional Preparation and Curriculum Design in Physical Education
Dictionary Of Physical Education
Sharirik shiksha mein anusandhan ki prakriya
Dr. Anil Kumar Vanaik (Professor)
Title of the Book (s) Publisher Year
Methods in Physical Education
Principal Of Teaching Physical Education
Sharirik shiksha ke maulik aadhar
Playing Fields Manual
Fundamentals Of Recreational Activities
Encyclopedia Of Recreational Games Vol.I
Prof. (Dr.) Pardeep Kumar (Professor)
Title of the Book (s) Publisher Year
Historical Development of Track and Field
Retd. Dr. Vijay( Medical Officer cum - Associate Professor)
Title of the Book (s) Publisher Year
Handbook of Sports Medicine
Publications 2018-19
S.No. Published By Publication
1 Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Professional and Academic Development in Physical Education and Sports Sciences to be Skilled India A Vision Document 2018”, Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Physical Education & Sports Sciences (under the aegis of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports), ISBN: 978-93-5300-165-0 (pp. 55-61)
2 Ahlawat, Umesh, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Kinematic Analysis of Quadriceps Extension Exercise for Lower Extremities with 15 RM Load”, Scientific Journal in Sports and Exercise (Laxmibai Sports Education and Welfare Society, Vol.14 ISSN: 0974-2964 (pp. 09-17)
3 Ahlawat, Umesh, Yadav, Nisha Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Kinematic differences among the players/repetitions and between the gender in regard to left (subordinate) leg lunges exercise for lower extremities with 15 RM Load”, An International Journal Academic Research and Development, Vol. 3, ISSN: 2455-4197 (pp. 167-173)
4 Shaw, Dhananjoy, Ranjit, Kaur(2018) “Effect of Yoga on Stress, Depression and Anxiety”, A Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation accepted and likely to be published.
5 Sharma, Rekha, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “A Study on the Effect of Selected Yogic Practices on Resting Heart Rate and Blood Pressure” accepted and likely to be published.
6 Shaw, Dhananjoy, Pani, Balram, Anil, Dhiman, Deepika, Kumar, Pawan, (2018) “Selected Kinematics of Upper Punches (UP), Middle Punches (MP) and Lower Punches (LP) of Karate – (A comparative study)”, A DU Journal of Undergraduates Research and Innovation, Vol. 3 Issue 6, ISSN: 2395-2334 (pp. 64-70)
7 Bhatt, S A, Kumar, Bharat, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Recovery Blood Pressure reactivity Patterns during Hand Grip Test ( one of the Autonomic Testing Protocol) in Relation to Aerobic Fitness Levels”, An International Journal of Physical Education and Sports, Vol. 3 Issue 6, ISSN: 2456-2963 (pp. 08-13)”
8 Bhatt, S A, Kumar, Bharat, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Recovery Blood Pressure Patterns following Cold Pressor Test ( one of the Autonomic Testing Protocol) in Relation to Aerobic Fitness Levels”, An International Journal of Physical Education and Sports, Vol. 3 Issue 6, ISSN: 2456-2963 (pp. 01-07)”
9 Bhatt, S A, Kumar, Bharat, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Recovery Blood Pressure Patterns following Standing to Lying Test ( one of the Autonomic Testing Protocol) in Relation to Aerobic Fitness Levels”, An International Journal of Physical Education and Sports, Vol. 3 Issue 6, ISSN: 2456-2963 (pp. 10-16)”
10 Bhatt, S A, Kumar, Bharat, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Recovery Heart Rates Correlates Aerobic Fitness Levels of High Altitude Male Habitat (A comparative Study)”, An International Journal of Physical Education and Sports, Vol. 3 Issue 5, ISSN: 2456-2963 (pp. 04-09)”
11 Shalini, Sonia, Shukla, Raghvendra, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Effect of step aerobic training for six weeks with 6 inches step platform at 118 and 126 beats per minutes (BPM) on kinematic (Partial temporal) variables”, An International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education Vol. 3, Issue 2, ISSN: 2456-5067 (pp. 70-75)
12 Premchandra, Thingam, Kumar, Pawan, Pani, Balram, Kapur, Lalit and Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Biomechanical Variables of Sprinting and Dribbling performance Highlight Gender Differences in Football Player” A DU Journal of Undergraduates Research and Innovation, Vol. 3 Issue 1, ISSN: 2395-2334 (pp. 74-82)
13 Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Protein for Sports Persons and Myths about Plant-Based Protein” Global Journal of Nutrition and Food Science.1(2):2018 GJNFS.MS.ID.000507.
14 Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Kinesiology and Biomechanics Enhancing Performances” Science Reporter – A CSIR Publication, September, 2018 pp. 23-24.
15 Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2019) “Predictor Variables and Independent Variables of World Happiness Index 2018” 29th National Conference of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Practices, Pursuits and Promises, ISBN: 978-81-8360-281-5.
16 Nara, Sanjeev, Kaur, Manvinder, Shaw, Dhananjoy Bhatia, Dinesh, “Significance of Bilateral Coactivation Ratio for Analysis of Neuromuscular Fatigue of Selected Knee Extensor Muscles during Isometric Contractions at 0o  in Sportspersons”, Biomedical Science and engineering, 2016, Vol.4, No. 2, pp. 31-36.  DOI: 10.12691/bse-4-2-1
17 Kumar, Pawan, Bali, Anil, Kapur, Lalit and Shaw, Dhananjoy, “Comparison of Selected Respiratory Variables of Science Stream girls With and Without Sports Background”, Proceedings of NCGE 2017, ISBN: 978-1-63535-362-4
Publications 2017-18
S.No. Published By Publication
1 Pratibha, Bhatt, S A, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2017) “An Assessment of Sit and reach Flexibility of Male and Female Physical Education Students (A Comparative Study)”, Emerging Trends in Fitness and Sports Sciences, An International Conference on Physical Education and Sports Sciences (ICPESS) organized by Manipal University, Jaipur, Vol.2, ISBN: 978-93-85449-35-2
2 Bhatt, S A, Kumar, Ravinder, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2017) “Comparison of Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2 Max.) Between Male and Female Sportspersons (A Comparative Study ”, Emerging Trends in Fitness and Sports Sciences, An International Conference on Physical Education and Sports Sciences (ICPESS) organized by Manipal University, Jaipur, Vol.3, ISBN: 978-93-85449-35-2
3 Kumar, Ravinder, Bhatt, S A, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2017) “Effect of Examination on Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Pittsburgh Insomnia Rating Scale Score of Male and Female Sports Person from Schools of N.C.T Delhi, Emerging Trends in Fitness and Sports Sciences, An International Conference on Physical Education and Sports Sciences (ICPESS) organized by Manipal University, Jaipur, Vol.3, ISBN: 978-93-85449-35-2
4 Ahlawat, Umesh, Yadav, Nisha Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2017) “Kinematic analysis of hamstring curl exercise for lower extremities with 15 RM load”, An International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, ISSN: 2456-0057 (pp. 446-451)
5 Ahlawat, Umesh, Yadav, Nisha Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2017) “Kinematic differences among the players/repetitions and between the gender in regard to right (dominant) leg lunges exercise for lower extremities with 15 RM Load”, An International Journal of Yoga Physiotherapy and Physical Education, Vol. 3, ISSN: 2456-5067 (pp. 51-56)
6 Kumar, Ravinder, Bhatt, S A, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2017) “Collateral Pressure Distribution at Planter Aspect of Standing Posture of Male Sportsperson as an Indicator of Balance Mechanism , An International Research Journal of Management Science and Technology, Vol. 8, ISSN: 2250-1959
7 Shaw, Dhananjoy, Ranjit, Kaur(2018) “Effect of Yoga on Stress, Depression and Anxiety”, A Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation accepted and likely to be published in the month of March 2018.
8 Sharma, Rekha, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “A Study on the Effect of Selected Yogic Practices on Resting Heart Rate and Blood Pressure” accepted and likely to be published in the month of March 2018.
9 Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Professional and Academic Development in Physical Education and Sports Sciences to be Skilled India A Vision Document 2018”, Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Physical Education & Sports Sciences (under the aegis of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports), ISBN: 978-93-5300-165-0 (pp. 55-61)
10 Ahlawat, Umesh, Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Kinematic Analysis of Quadriceps Extension Exercise for Lower Extremities with 15 RM Load”, Scientific Journal in Sports and Exercise (Laxmibai Sports Education and Welfare Society, Vol.14 ISSN: 0974-2964 (pp. 09-17)
11 Ahlawat, Umesh, Yadav, Nisha Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Kinematic differences among the players/repetitions and between the gender in regard to left (subordinate) leg lunges exercise for lower extremities with 15 RM Load”, An International Journal Academic Research and Development, Vol. 3, ISSN: 2455-4197 (pp. 167-173)
12 Shaw, Dhananjoy, (2018) “Development of regression models for estimating maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max.)” of male youth of Kashmir (Habitat of high altitude)”, An International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, Vol. 3, ISSN: 2456-0057 (pp. 167-173)
Publications 2016-17
S.No. Published By Publication
1 Kaur, Manvinder, Singh, Saravjeet, Shaw, Dhananjoy, “Advancements in soft computing methods for EMG classification”, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 2016, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 253-271 (Review Article) ISSN online: 1752-6426 ISSN print: 1752-6418
2 Kaur, Manvinder, Nara, Sanjeev, Shaw, Dhananjoy Bhatia, Dinesh, “EMG Asymetricity of Selected Knee Extensor Muscles in Sustained Squat Posture (A Yogic Posture) of Athletes in Relation to their Gender and Performance”, Journal of Novel Physiotherapies, 2016, vol. 6, pp. 322.
3 Kaur, Manvinder, Nara, Sanjeev, Avutu, Sateesh Reddy, Bhatia, Dinesh, Shaw, Dhananjoy, “Effect of Gender and Performance of EMG Activity of Selected Knee Extensor Muscles during Isometric Contractions of Fully Extended Knee in Athletes”, International Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2016, vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-6.
4 Nara, Sanjeev, Kaur, Manvinder, Bhatia, Dinesh, Shaw, Dhananjoy “Co-Contraction of Knee Stabilizer Muscles during Sustained Squat Posture (A Yogic Posture) in Athletes” Journal of Yoga and Physical Therapy, 2016, Vol. 6, pp.256.  DOI: 10.4172/2157-7595.1000256.
5 Satsangi, Ekta (2016), A comparative Study on Body of Body Shape Concern among Exercise and Non-exercise Women in the proceedings of International Conference in Physical Education and Sports Sciences “Emerging Trends in Fitness and Sports Sciences” organized by Department of Arts, Manipal university, Jaipur.
6 Singh, R., (2017). Pro-Kabaddi: A Grand Commercial success with Socio-cultural Dimensions. Scientific Journal in Sports and Exercise ,13(1), 49-54. Retrieved July 12, 2017ISSN No. 2964
7 Shaw, D., Kumar, R., Singh, N., & Bhat, S. A. (2016). Effect of Examination on Pittsburgh Sleep Qualiy Index and Pittsburgh Insomnia rating Scale Score of Sports and Non-Sports Female Students of Basva International School. International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities,7(4), 66-71. Retrieved July 12, 2017.ISSN 2277-9809 (Online), ISSN 2348-9359 (Print).
8 Shaw, D., Kumar, R., Singh, N., & Bhat, S. A. (2016). Variance Among the Selected Games and Sports in regard to Selected Autonomic and Cardio-Circulatory Variables in a Repeated Measure of Design of Training Protocol (A Longitudnal Study). International Research Journal of Management Science and Technology,7(3), 31-34. Retrieved July 12, 2017.ISSN 2250-9367
9 Shaw, D., Kumar, R., Singh, N., & Bhat, S. A. (2016) Effect of Examination on Pittsburgh Sleep Qualiy Index and Pittsburgh Insomnia rating Scale Score of Sports and Non-Sports Male Students of West Delhi Public School. International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities,7(3), 36-40. Retrieved July 12, 2017.
10 Tyagi. Sarita (2016) “THE GYM MANAGEMENT” Friends Publications(India) ISBN:978-81-7216-485-0
11 Shaw, D., Bhatt, S A, (2016) “Selected Anxiety Variables of Successful and Unsuccessful Male and Female Judo Players of All India Inter-University Level”, International journal of Indian Psychology, Vol.3, Issue 3, No.9, ISSN (electronic): 2348-5396 ISSN (Print):2349-3429
12 Kaur, Manvinder, Singh, Saravjeet, Shaw, Dhananjoy, “Advancements in soft computing methods for EMG classification”, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 2016, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 253-271 (Review Article) ISSN online: 1752-6426 ISSN print: 1752-6418
13 Kaur, Manvinder, Nara, Sanjeev, Shaw, Dhananjoy Bhatia, Dinesh, “EMG Asymetricity of Selected Knee Extensor Muscles in Sustained Squat Posture (A Yogic Posture) of Athletes in Relation to their Gender and Performance”, Journal of Novel Physiotherapies, 2016, vol. 6, pp. 322.
14 Kaur, Manvinder, Nara, Sanjeev, Avutu, Sateesh Reddy, Bhatia, Dinesh, Shaw, Dhananjoy, “Effect of Gender and Performance of EMG Activity of Selected Knee Extensor Muscles during Isometric Contractions of Fully Extended Knee in Athletes”, International Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2016, vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-6.
15 Tyagi S., Vanaik A. & Wasuja M. (May 2016) FITNESS INSTRUCTOR MANUAL FOR FITNESS TRAINERS – Aerobics & Group Trainers {New Edition}
16 Dr. Sarita Tyagi, Dr. Anil Vanaik and Dr. Monika Wasuja. 2016 Prepared and Published a Monograph on ' GUIDELINES TO ATHLETES ON TRAINING AND NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS'
17 Satsangi, Ekta (2016), Physical Activity and Cancer in the proceedings of 3rd National conference of Physical Education & Sports Science
18 Kumar Mohit, Wasuja Monika and Gulati A. Nutritional Profile, Energy Balance and Body Composition of Inter-College Level Male Handball Players. Published research paper in the proceedings of the Global Conference on Scientific Culture in Physical Education and Sports from February 18-20, 2016 (sponsored by UGC & ICSSR) at Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab..Pg. 2089-2095  ISBN: 978-93-85446-45-0.
Publications 2015-16
S.No. Published By Publication
1 Shaw  Dhananjoy, Pawan Kumar (2015) “Comparison between the Existing (Clinical) Norms and Developed Norms of Indian Retired Sports persons” International Interdisciplinary Research Journal Bi-monthly ISSN 2249-9598 Vol.-V, Issue-IV July-Aug., 2015.
2 Bhardwaj Mansi, Tiwari Sandhya, Shah Mohammad Muzamil (2016). “Cardiorespiratory Fitness between Children Participating Within and After School Physical Activity Programme” International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME), ISSN:2454-6119, 2(1).
4 Tyagi Sarita “Effect of a Block Training Programmeon Selected Motor Fitness Components of Football Players”research paper in the proceedings of the Global Conference on Scientific Culture in Physical Education and Sports from February 18-20, 2016 (sponsored by UGC & ICSSR) at Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab.Pg. 2208-2211 ISBN: 978-93-85446-45-0.
5 Vanaik Anil & Arora Sunita Pranayama its Steps Benefits and Precaution in the proceedings of the Global Conference on Scientific Culture in Physical Education and Sports from February 18-20, 2016 (sponsored by UGC & ICSSR) at Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab. Pg. 1982-87.ISBN: 978-93-85446-45-0.
6 VanaikAnil. Motor Fitness Components of Young Prospective Teachers of Physical Education-A Profile Study in the proceedings of the Global Conference on Scientific Culture in Physical Education and Sports from February 18-20, 2016 (sponsored by UGC & ICSSR) at Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab. Pg. 2145-2152.ISBN: 978-93-85446-45-0
3 Kumar Pradeep, Jain Shilpi (2015). Interactive effects of mental skills training and anxiety of Indian Athlete's Performance.International Journal Physical Education, Sports and Health, ISSN 2391-1685, Vol-1 (4),  xxxxx.
4 Kumar Pradeep, Jain Shilpi (2015). A Comparative Study of Competitive Satae anxiety level between female players and Archery players.International Journal Physical Education, Sports and Health, ISSN 2391-1685, Vol-1 (4): 64-66.
5 Kumar Pradeep, Jaggi, Singh Devender (2015). Relationship between Selected Physiological Variables and the Performance of Hockey Players.OnlineInternational Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN 2249-9598, Volume-V,  Special Issue.
6 Kumar Pradeep,  Nath Rajinder. (2015). Effect of 8 Weeks Plyometric Training on Selected Motor Abilities of the Male Jumpers.Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN 2249-9598, Volume-V.

Physical education today along with semesterization is undergoing huge transformations. The changes are reflected into the diverse way of thinking and actualization. Now the students are more with information and communication technology. Students are using different kinds of search engines for information and knowledge. They are no more dependent upon periodicals or bulletins only. Although it is important to recognize the significance of institutional magazine which brings the student and faculty to a common platform for their academic practice, which are of institutional and mankind’s importance as well. Our “Priyadarshani” provides us information about our goings, achievements, creativity and ability as yearly and collective testimony. The first edition of the college magazine “Priyadarshini” was published in 1993 by Dr. Savita Govil and other members of the editorial board and till now every year new editions have been published.


Number of College Teacher’s serving as Editor(s)/Member(s) of Editorial Board

  1. Prof. Dhananjoy Shaw
  2. Prof. J. P. Sharma
  3. Prof. Sarita Tyagi
  4. Prof. Ashok Kumar Singh
  5. Prof. Samiran Chakraborty
  6. Prof. Tarak Nath Pramanik

Magazine Committee

  1. Prof. Sanjeev Kaushal
  2. Prof. Dhananjoy Shaw
  3. Prof. J.P. Sharma
  4. Prof. Pradeep Kumar
  5. Prof. Dinesh P. Sharma
  6. Dr. Meenakshi
  7. Dr. Vinay Vikash

College Diary