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Multi-Utility Gymnasium @ IGIPESS

Multi-Utility Gymnasium @ IGIPESS

Human Performance Lab

The IGIPESS Multi-Utility Gymnasium also known as 'Human Performance Lab' was inaugurated on the date of 3rd August,2012 on the same day when the college Silver Jubilee Celebrations Calendar was released.

The Multi-Utility Gymnasium has a number of exercises to offer. The latest CYBEX machines have been installed in the Gym. It does not specialize on a specific body part, but the various exercises on the machine target different areas of the body. The number of exercises may amount to about fifty in just one machine. Even if you are not really a person who is keen on general exercise, you will be working out at any chance on this machine, since it will have so much to offer!

A Multi-Utility Gymnasium has a variety of units. Each distinct from the next one. This is because its sole aim is to cater for all the resistance training the students and staff members will require. Our reasons for wanting to exercise differ, and a Multi-Utility Gymnasium really does give you that choice, allowing you to work on the muscle groups you want to.

List of Equipments @ IGIPESS Gymnasium

S. No. Name Of The Equipment Quantity
1.Cybex Treadmill-75006
2.Body Arch Trainer04
3.Upright Bike02
4.Recumbent Bike02
5.Elliptical Cross Twin01
6.Bicycle Ergometer 500001
7.Dual Chest & Shoulder Press01
8.Dual Leg Press01
9.Dual Lat Pulldown/Vertical Row01
10.Leg Extension/Leg Curl01
11.Functional Trainer01
12.Dual Abdominal/Lower Back01
13.Olympic Flat Bench01
14.Curl Bar06
15.Dual Biceps Curl01
16.Inclined Bench01
17.Back Massager10
18.Foot Massager03
19.Dumbles1090 Kgs
20.Weight Lifting Set182.5Kgs