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Indoor & Outdoor Games @ IGIPESS

Indoor & Outdoor Games - Facility

Badminton Court & Yoga Lab

The IGIPESS has a huge Badminton Court for playing indoor games. Students can practice and improve their indoor skills.


In fact it has been found that playing badminton till you get an increase in heart rate or mild breathlessness regularly in middle age lowers the risk of death by about 23% in the subsequent 20 years and improves longevity by at least 2 years. The optimal health benefits are achieved by playing badminton for at least 30 minutes a day after adequate warm up. Playing badminton regularly increases the levels of HDL good cholesterol while decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol. As bad cholesterol decrease the size of blood vessels promoting heart attacks and strokes, reduction in their levels translates into multiple health benefits for the individual.

Long Jump
Basket Ball

Playing regular badminton conditions the body so that the basal heart rate drops a few beats per minute and blood pressure is reduced. Both these effects are helpful in hypertensive individuals. It may help them to ward off their hypertension without medicines and even if they are needed, only fewer amounts are required.

Another particular health benefit of playing regular badminton is protection from heart disease, especially heart attacks. Playing badminton conditions and strengthens the heart muscle besides reducing hypertension and keeping blood vessels from clogging as we have seen earlier. Even people with pre-existing heart disease can benefit by playing badminton within their endurance levels under medical supervision and advise.

Javelin Throw
Long Jump
Athletic Track

Regular indulgence in badminton helps overweight people to reduce their weight and attain optimal weight for their height and age. This effect is due to the excess calories burnt during playing badminton which prevents them from accumulating as fat and increasing the individual's weight. Osteoporosis is a troublesome problem especially in the elderly and women after menopause. It occurs because the bones loose their density due to complex interactions between the body hormones,bone forming and bone dissolving cells. Individuals with osteoporosis can easily sustain fractures because of reduced bone strength to withstand stress and injury.Osteoporosis can be prevented or delayed by regularly playing badminton, as physical activity is one major factor that prevents osteoporosis, irrespective of the age and sex of the individual. Playing badminton promotes the activity of the bone forming cells and help in the assimilation of calcium in the bone matrix, thereby strengthening it.

Additional health benefit of playing regular badminton is reduced incidence of cancers like cancer of the large bowel and cancer of breast.

Hockey Ground
Athletic Track
Shot Put Throw

Playing badminton keeps you feeling well, strong, motivated, enthusiastic and young. It helps to ward off depression, anxiety, stress and increase self-esteem. It also helps in enjoying a better sleep in the night, thereby minimizing the incidence of pre-existing illnesses getting aggravated due to lack of sleep.

The institute has a Yoga lab which provides the facilities to the students for performing various Yoga Asanas. The students of the IGIPESS have a good skilled team of Yoga performers. Yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical practice that has been around since ages. With time, people have discovered a number of health benefits associated with yoga. Yoga does more than burning calories and strengthening muscles, it is a workout which involves both body and mind.


The institute has 16 outdoor play fields

The IGIPESS provides various play fields for the students to play many different types of outdoor games. The teachers take the practical sessions for the students in these play fields. The grounds are also used for conducting the Inter-College Sports Week and various sports competitions.

• Tug-Of-War, • Basket Ball Ground, • Cricket Ground, • Football Ground

Shot Put Throw
Shot Put Throw

• Gymnastics Ground,• Volley Ball Ground - 2(Nos.),• Kabaddi Ground - 2(Nos.),• Net Ball Ground

Volley Ball Ground
Football Ground
Long Jump Ground

• Korfball Ground,• Hockey Ground,• Base Ball Ground,• Judo Hall,• Kho-Kho Ground,• Athletic Track,• Handball Ground,• Lawn Tennis Ground
