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Library @ IGIPESS
Collection of Sources

Library @ IGIPESS

Library Catalogue/OPAC

About Library

The Institute was established in August, 1987 and the library also came into existence to meet the academic needs of the students and the faculty members. It is the matter of pride that during the first year library purchased 288 books and subscribed about 8 journals in Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Though the library was stacked in a small room at the old site (Ludlow Castle), but it served its members quite effectively.

The Institute and library shifted to its present site in 1990 which has made in overall development of the library. The significant achievement and historical movement became true when the library data was computerized in the year 2005. Now each book can be reached through OPAC in the installed software.

About the Library
The Indira Gandhi Institute Of Physical Education And Sports Sciences has a spacious fully air-conditioned library which strives to create a lively and enriching intellectual environment for students, faculty and staff members. It is well stocked fully computerized. The library consists of 6 sections namely Reference Section, Reading Room/General Section, Circulation Section, Research Section, two Computer Labs and a Librarian's Office.

The library is equipped with High-tech CCTV surveillance system to prevent pilferage. The library also includes two computer labs for the faculty members and MPED Part-II students. Its collection caters to both the student's academic and recreational requirements. User-friendly fully computerized online library catalogue is available for access to the students, faculty and staff members.

Library Hours


  1. Number of Books : 9838
  2. Educational Journal : 3
  3. News Papers : 7
  4. Sitting Capacity : 60
The library grew in number of books, periodicals, staff and space at the new premises. At the present the library holds 9679 reading materials on Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Anatomy & Physiology, Biomechanics, Sports Medicine, Kinesiology, Sociology, Health Education, Sports Psychology, Test Measurement, Journalism, various research papers/reports/monographs, Ph.D. Thesis, Proceeding, Souvenir and Abstracts & Bound Periodicals.

Periodicals, magazines and Journals are major information source for locating the authentic current content being published on a specific subject. Hundreds of general/specialized magazine and many professional journal are available online and offline. Naturally it is not easy to keep abreast with all is being published with low budget. However to keep the library well-informed about 30 Indian and International journals are being subscribed by the library. In addition to the above, the library also subscribed 8 daily newspapers.

The library has also developed a separate section to exhibit the books authored by the faculty members along with other institute's publications.

The library opens on all working days between 09:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and there are 60 seats available for reading. Library being a service oriented place, it has to perform certain services to its members for its effective use. The library provides following services:-

Circulation Service
The circulation counter is open between 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on all working days. Each student and faculty member enjoys the facilities of borrowing library books. It is estimated that about 400 users visit the library daily to meet their academic needs.

Reference Service
The reference service is one of the most wanted services by the present users. It is a matter of great satisfaction that trained library staff has fulfilled the study requirement of students and faculty members.

Press Clipping Service
The press clipping service is one of the important services provided by the library. News clipping on Sports, Records, Education, Medicine, Health, Nutrition, Fitness & Exercise are being made from daily newspapers. The service is appreciated by the keen users of the library.

Staff is the backbone of any institution. In the early years the library was looked after by namely Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (Librarian (On Deputation) . The situation remained static till the qualified and trained librarian joined the institute in 1992. At present one qualified Professional Assistant, One S.P.A. and one library attendants help the students and faculty members in searching their reading and academic materials.

Library Automation
It is a matter of great satisfaction that data of all the reading material (Books, Periodicals & Thesis) have been entered in the software system used by the library. Information about the library holding can be accessed through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) in the library only. The library software named Vidya was used to make the magic happen. Library Rules The following rules have been laid down for using the library:

Please properly check the books while getting them issued, if any page is found tampered/teared off then immediately inform at the issuing counter otherwise if found later then you will be responsible for the damage.

Students can become member of the library after getting their Identity Cards. Membership card has the validity of maximum 1 Year which can be renewed after that. Students are entitled to issue a maximum of 4 books for Bsc.(PE,HE&S), 4 books for BPED and 4 books for MPED courses.

Library Catalogue/OPAC

Library catalogue is available for users. Users can search their books by Authors Name, Title, Subject, Keywords, Series, Corp. Author, Publisher. The user can search a reading material or book by using any of the types of search type which are General Book Search or Boolean Book Search. The user can also generate a report for the books.